Hand Therapy
Click here to check out sample exercise videos from our hand therapists on their YouTube page!
Alayna, Pam, Dr. Muzykewicz, and Dr. Frederick all share the philosophy that the best outcomes occur with patient education and a personal touch. Both Alayna and Pam treat patients in focused appointments without relying on therapy assistants or aids. By enabling the patient to become an active participant in the recovery process, they have experienced patients can do much of their own therapy, and they teach effective and practical individualized therapeutic home exercise programs. With more complex injuries or slower post operative progress, our therapists provide skilled hands-on treatment to supplement the patient’s efforts with their home programs and to maximize recovery outcomes. Our patients experience no more trips to the office than necessary, feel confident in their healing process, and have excellent outcomes.
When necessary, the therapist will also fabricate custom thermoplastic splints. They make these to either immobilize or mobilize the appropriate area with the proper angles for healing. This is especially imperative to compliment some of the surgeries that Dr. Frederick and Dr. Muzykewicz perform.
Many of our patients come from quite a distance and when therapy is necessary in these cases, we try to keep trips to Dallas to a minimum. Alayna and/or Pam will personally contact qualified therapists in other areas to maintain continuity of care despite the distance.