Nearby Lodging

LaQuinta North Park

10001 N Central Expressway
Dallas, TX 75231-4103
Phone: 214-361-8200.

Travel Estimate: 3 minutes / 1.66 miles

Ask for the medical rate.  Property Pictures

Marriott Courtyard

10325 North Central Expressway
Dallas, TX 75231
Phone: 214-739-2500

Ask for the medical rate and mention that North Central Surgical Center is a Baylor affiliate hospital

Travel Estimate: 5 minutes / 2.49 miles

Hotel Lumen

6101 Hillcrest  Avenue
Dallas, TX 75205
Phone: 214-247-2132

Visit and enter rate code MED or call 800-908-1140 and request the medical rate

Travel Estimate: 14 minutes / 6.82 miles

Hyatt Summerfield / Uptown

2914 Harry Hines Boulevard
Dallas, TX 75201
Phone: 214-965-9990

Ask for the medical rate

Travel Estimate: 11 minutes / 7.14 miles
